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New posts in android-lifecycle

onTrimMemory() from ComponentCallbacks2 does not get called

Is an android Service a singleton?

onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) in always null

Android Chronometer, retain time state (and keep counting in background)

ExoPlayer Restore State when Resumed

Activity Transition: Performing stop of activity that is not resumed

Fragment and DialogFragment Lifecycle Relationship

What happens if startActivity() is called to the already created Activity?

Android service with START_STICKY crashes on killing app

Live Data Exception when using observable

LiveData observer fired twice, even with viewLifecycleOwner

Flag Activity Clear Top destroys target activity and than creating it

Android View Binding - Clear Binding in Fragment Lifecycle

Why do OnCreate should be called only once on the start of Activity?

Class members in Fragment become null after Home button press and wait

Android onStop() not being called when starting a new activity in multi window mode