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New posts in android-lifecycle

IllegalArgumentException when using Otto with a retained Fragment

Fragment - wait for onCreateView() to complete before running methods

How to resume android app without losing activities stack (or the app state) with deep linking?

Android - Rx observable subscription in view holder: How to handle lifecycle?

Android Activity is getting instantiate twice while using Dark Mode

Fragment doesn't call onSaveInstanceState when swiping ViewPager?

ANDROID: Activity state after pressing the back button

Performing stop of activity that is not resumed - Android

android android-lifecycle

android lifecycle onActivityResult vs onStop

android android-lifecycle

DialogFragment displayed from onContextItemSelected doesn't survive onPause/onResume

What Android methods are called when battery dies?

Is onPause() or onStop() called even if phone dies due to lack of power?

How to resolve Could not find android.arch.lifecycle:compiler?


Activity onStart() being called before Fragment's onActivityCreated()

DatePickerDialog onDateSet called when rotated

Can we make android.app.Service as lifecycle aware component

LifecycleService not found

Automatic UI configuration change handling in Activity and Fragment sometimes fails

how check if an activity implements an interface after onAttach(Activity activity) has been depreacted