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New posts in android-lifecycle

On Android, can I register for a callback that tells me if Bluetooth is turned on or off?

LifecycleOwner: difference between Fragment (self) and Fragment#viewLifecycle

Android life cycle event on dialog

How to retain listener on custom dialog opened from fragment?

How long does a Bundle last?

Callback when App is killed by swiping

android android-lifecycle

Can Android Service outlive Application object?

"Thread already started" when resuming the activity

LifecycleObserver is not working

Activity cannot be cast to LifecycleOwner

Leaving android app with back button

Do you need to explicitly call pause, resume, destroy for an AdView?

Android Activity instance state

Android Fragment View State Loss When Using FragmentTransaction.replace()

How to catch lifecycle events with ProcessLifecycleOwner?

Animation at the beginning of activity jumps

Alternative to direct onResume() call

Some fragment observers trigger after pop from back stack although data is not changed

Restoring state in Android when using the 'up' button