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New posts in android-configchanges

Android get system locale different approaches

onClickListener not working (properly) after ConfigurationChange in fragments

Android language changes after rotation

Avoiding Application Restart when Hardware Keyboard Opens

AsyncTask & runtime config change: what approaches, with concise code samples, does the Android team endorse?

Determine if fragment restart is due to screen rotation or Viewpager swipe?

How to setup night mode drawables to work as expected

Screen flickers when running on Android 4.2. (Activity gets restarted continuously)

"Error: String types not allowed (at 'configChanges' with value 'keyboard|keyboardHidden| orien"... in AndroidManifest.xml

findFragmentByTag null for Fragment A, if setRetain(true) on Fragment B

Fragment recreated every time after orientation change, unable to restore state

Viewpager on portrait and two panes on landscape

Non-UI Fragment vs Singleton

after configuration change fragment from backstack is now sharing the FrameLayout?