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New posts in android-icons

How to size custom marker icons for Android Google Maps v2?

Is it possible to have animated launcher icons for android apps? [closed]

android icons android-icons

Align an icon with the Toolbar icon - Android Material Design

How to generate rounded square launcher icon android

App icon not being set, it is always showing default green android icon

Android Launcher Icon Rounded Corner Edge Radii

How to change the ic_launcher_round.png folder content?

Android Studio´s Asset Studio doesn´t show Material Icons option

Android options menu icon won't display

How to show notification count on app icon like Facebook?

Vector drawables that are automatically converted to pngs

Add Icons to SlidingTabLayout instead of Text

Launcher icon is changed but in recent apps still default icon i seen

Legacy icon does not show when using adaptive icon

Can I change my Android app icon and name in later release?

"Android Asset Studio" adds extra space when I upload my .png icons, but doesn't when it uses its internal cliparts. Why?

Android icon generator for actionbar and notification not working (grey shape)

Android status bar expects icons of size 25x25dp while guidelines recommend 32x32dp. Who is wrong?

android size android-icons

Material Design icon colors

Toolbar icon tinting on Android