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Android Studio´s Asset Studio doesn´t show Material Icons option

In the Asset Studio, inside Android Studio, the option, where should be Material Icon, the option available is "Clip Art". It´s require to install any plugin to be able to add material icons?

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Celso Marigo Jr Avatar asked Aug 23 '18 17:08

Celso Marigo Jr

People also ask

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In the Project window, select the Android view. Expand the res/mipmap folder for a launcher icon, or the res/drawable folder for other types of icons.

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open android studio File->Open folder->navigate to your flutter project and select the Android folder. Wait for it to sync, then navigate inside the Android studio folder and find the res folder right click on it and choose New you will see the Image asset studio.

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Vector Asset Studio adds an XML file defining the vector drawable to the project in the app/src/main/res/drawable/ folder. From the Android view of the Project window, you can view the generated vector XML file in the drawable folder.

1 Answers

You are in the right dialog window and you don't have to install any extra plugin. Just click on the Android clip art icon and the Material icons dialog will show up.

enter image description here

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Henry Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
