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New posts in ambiguity

Does C# 4.0 and a combination of optional parameters and overloads give you a warning about ambiguity?

Java: Name ambiguity between outer and inner class methods

what is the expected behavior?

Solving design involving multiple inheritance and composite classes in c++

C++ compilation error: cannot convert from B to A, no constructor, or constructor overload ambiguity

Can an Android View's id be safely shared across multiple Activities?

Object construction/Forward function declaration ambiguity

Algorithms or data structures for dealing with ambiguity

How to avoid shared_ptr ambiguity? (stl vs boost) [duplicate]

c++ ambiguity

Why do these two constructors together not produce an ambiguity error?

c++ constructor ambiguity

Ambiguous XML schema

xml xsd ambiguity

How to get rid of this ambiguity?

Why can't .Net / C# understand interface inheritance with properties of the same name?

Avoiding Over-Use of Namespaces

How do you resolve ambiguities in specification?

specifications ambiguity

why does ptr_fun find this ambiguous even when template parameters are given?

c++ functor ambiguity

How to call ambiguous generic function in Swift?

generics swift ambiguity

Java do while, while

java loops do-while ambiguity

Normalizing structural differences in grammars

Disambiguate class-member in multiple inheritance