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New posts in alias

define a function alias in VBA, possible?

vba function-pointers alias

Aliases in Haskell/GHCI

haskell terminal alias ghci

How to set an alias in nixos?

alias nixos

how to: make -j x // where x is automatically determined

bash makefile alias

using Alias = Class; with generics [duplicate]

c# generics alias

How to get name of alias that invoked bash script

bash scripting alias

How do create an alias in shell scripts? [duplicate]

bash shell alias

Is there a way in .bash_profile, to create two aliases that do the same thing?

bash macos alias

Performance between importing entire namespace versus using alias in C#?

Python Click multiple command names

Neo4j Fast way to match fuzzy text property

indexing neo4j cypher alias

Can I have a shell alias evaluate a history substitution command?

bash history eval alias zsh

C# Default scope resolution

Is it correct to use inheritance instead of name aliasing in c#?

c# inheritance alias typedef

Is there an C++ equivalent to Python's "import bigname as b"?

c++ python namespaces alias

Class templates alias should not be visible in generated symbols, do they?

inheritance of type aliases within templates

Enabling git log parameters by default

alias git-log git-config

Webpack 2 resolve alias

import webpack alias resolve