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New posts in acceptance-testing

Is Geb(automation testing framework) a good acceptance testing framework?

Ruby -> Haskell Unit and Automated Acceptance Testing

What techniques are programmers using to write maintainable integration/functional/acceptance tests?

Codeception, unable to simulate ajax behavior

How would I best express this time-dependent scenario in Cucumber?

Is there any difference between specflow's .msi installer and its nuget package?

Tool suggestions for specification by example where analysts - not developers - write the tests?

looking for a C# or .Net based Acceptance testing framework - alternative to Aqua or Robot

.net acceptance-testing

Difference System Acceptance Test and User Acceptance Test [closed]

Proper structure of functional/acceptance tests

Capybara-webkit raises Capybara::Driver::Webkit::WebkitInvalidResponseError

How to acceptance test captcha-protected web application functionality?

What JavaScript UI testing framework should I use for a simple HTML5 + jQuery app?

How to run tests in FitNesse/Slim headless?

How do I merge Valgrind memcheck reports from multiple runs of the same process?

Ember.js: Component attribute not reset while testing

End-to-end testing a RESTful Web service (Rails)

Using SpecFlow for End-to-End Regression Testing