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gherkin describe the test or the functionality?


In WebStorm, can't navigate from .feature file to step definitions in a nonstandard directory

How to implement 'if' in Gherkin

cucumber gherkin

How can we retrieve/get the feature and scenario title in step definitions?

Formatting Cucumber Feature file

java csv gherkin cucumber-jvm

Undefined step reference in PhpStorm when using Codeception and Gherkin

Date object in Cucumber

java cucumber gherkin

BDD good for UI automation?

giving whitespace as value of table of parameters in scenarios of Cucumber

How to get white space or nil object from cucumber table?

ruby cucumber gherkin

How to use something like a doc string in Scenario outline in Gherkin?

Cucumber : How to read examples from external excel file for Scenarios Outline

continue running cucumber steps after a failure

Retrieve feature level tags in Specflow

c# tags specflow gherkin

Specflow Scenario Outline not generating expected step code

c# bdd specflow gherkin

How to run gherkin style test cases in Robot Framework

robotframework gherkin

Cucumber feature file does not identify the steps

Using SpecFlow for End-to-End Regression Testing