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New posts in absolute-value

Is there any difference between std::abs and std::fabs when applied to floating point values?

Julia - absolute value of an array

How/why do we use operator.abs

Why is there a blas subroutine (ISAMAX) for argmax abs but none for argmax?

how to define colormap with absolute values with matplotlib

Why is numpy.absolute() so slow?

How does this function compute the absolute value of a float through a NOT and AND operation?

Unsigned int to signed in php

php math absolute-value

Take the maximum in absolute value from different columns and filter out NaN Python

Absolute value for floats in core OCaml

How would fabs(double) be implemented on x86? Is it an expensive operation?

Integer absolute value in MIPS?

isn't there an operator in c to change the sign of a int float etc from negative to positive or vice versa?

jfreechart customize piechart to show absolute values and percentages

Absolute value in vb.net

.net vb.net absolute-value

How do I compute the absolute value of a vector in Eigen?

c++ eigen absolute-value

Finding minimal absolute sum of a subarray

abs 'implicit declaration...' error after including math.h

c math.h absolute-value

mongodb - Find document with closest integer value

mongodb absolute-value

Fastest way to compute absolute value using SSE