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New posts in 32bit-64bit

How to convert 32-bit compiled binary to 64-bit [closed]

GCC -m32 flag: /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible

Find out the largest native integer type on the current platform

c 64-bit int 32bit-64bit 32-bit

How to distinguish 32 bit from 64 bit java version in jnlp files

Math behind 4GB limit on 32 bit systems

binary 32bit-64bit

NSInvalidArgumentException -[__NSCFString unsignedLongLongValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

Single MSI to install correct 32 or 64 bit c# application

MSBuild and $(ProgramFiles) issue with 32/64 bits

Why do C compilers specify long to be 32-bit and long long to be 64-bit?

urlmon.dll FindMimeFromData() works perfectly on 64bit desktop/console but generates errors on ASP.NET

Running 32 bit exe on Ubuntu :libudev.so : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

how to pip install 64 bit packages while having both 64 bit and 32 bit versions?

printdialog.showdialog(); not showing the print dialog in windows 7 with 64 bit

How to compile for 32bit with Eclipse

c++ eclipse 32bit-64bit

64-bit Unix timestamp conversion

Assembly registers in 64-bit architecture

.net c# exception handling fails in 64 bit mode

64-bit Linux performance issue with memset

libtool links with 32-bit version of libstdc++.so on a 64-bit target platform when multiple version of gcc are installed

Why do I get a warning for an unaligned pointer but not a reference