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New posts in .net-standard

Executing EFcore Migrations inside a .NETStandard Library project

Using config file in .NET Standard does not work

Determine the framework in a .NET Standard DLL at runtime

Xamarin Forms Project with netstandard: can't build UWP

netstandard - Regular Expression, Group Name inaccessible

c# .net-standard

`PowerShell.Create()` returning null

Compile-time only Nuget dependency (FxCop)

How to use WCF services in .netstandard with Xamarin.Forms project?

Running .NET Standard binaries on different frameworks

WSHttpBinding in .NetStandard or .NET core

.Net Standard 4.7.1 Could not load System.Private.CoreLib during serialization

c# .net .net-standard akka.net

Need to build Roslyn Analyzer targeting .NET Standard \ Core rather than .NET Portable

MSBuild can't find package for .NET Standard project in solution with other .NET Framework projects

A solution needed for referencing Nuget packages from projects in the same solution

Set-Authenticode appears to incorrectly sign the specified assembly

Conflict between two referenced assemblies