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New posts in .net-standard

.NET Standard/.NET Core Code Analysis and Code Contracts with VS 2017

c# .net-core .net-standard

running xunit tests included in a .NET Standard 1.6 library

Can GetTypeInfo ever return null?

c# .net .net-standard

Missing system assembly in .appxupload only

Passing the context around in a C# class library, looking for an "easy" way without using static

AWS RedShift - .NET Core (ODBC Support?)

Include referenced project in nuget package

As of Visual Studio 2017 15.5.1, How Does One Create a Xamarin.Forms Project to Target Minimum Android KitKat (API 19) with PCL now obsolete?

Constrain PackageReference upgrade version when update-package run

How do I do a deterministic build locally (ContinuousIntegrationBuild flag)?

Make a .NET Standard library COM-Visible?


Visual Studio: How to change target framework used by editor?

How to fix a "java.io.IOException: unexpected end of stream on Connection" exception in HTTPClient on .NetStandard

How to use System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager in .netstanard library for .net core and .netframework

How to create a library that targets both .NET 2.0 and .NET Standard?

Reducing dependencies for a .NET Standard class library?

nuget .net-standard

Interface in .NETStandard 1.1 library does not have implementation in .NET 4.61

Reusing Task<T> in .NET core/.NET Standard