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New posts in .net-standard

Using assemblies compiled from IL with .NET Core & Xamarin

How to update an assembly shared between .NET Core and .NET Framework applications

.net standard library fails in .net core but not in framework

Unable to Command-Line Build a Mixed Solution (.NET Framework with .NET Standard)

What information is logged by IdentityModel when ShowPii is set to true?

How to get a stylecop ruleset trough nuget in a .net standard project

Nuget pack for multiple frameworks

msbuild nuget .net-standard

Using MSTest Framework for testing applications targeting .NET Standard 1.6 and higher

Reference a .NET Standard 1.6 library from a .net 4.6.2 library

.net .net-standard

Warning on dependencies when create a new standard .NET project

Shift-JIS encoding for a netstandard library

Type.GetInterfaces() workaround for .NET Standard 1.x

.NET Standard equivalent of Thread.CurrentCulture

What's the equivalent of NamespaceManager.GetQueue.MessageCount in the new NET Standard Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus?

Netstandard.Library 1.6.1 blocked by project

How To Access Azure Function App ConnectionString Using dotnet Standard

The attribute "Version" in element <PackageReference> is unrecognized

Not able to use GetValueOrDefault() for Dictionary in C#

Xamarin.iOS project: CS1703: Multiple assemblies with equivalent identity have been imported