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New posts in .net-standard

Why is my .NET framework app looking for the wrong version of the .NET core/standard platform extension assembly, and how do I fix it?

How to change .NET Framework to .NET Standard/Core in Visual Studio?

Generate a WCF client proxy for a netstandard Xamarin.Forms project

Why is .NET class System.String now in three different assemblies, according to MSDN?

Merging .NET Standard assemblies

Adding references in NETStandard class library

c# .net-standard

MSBuild of VS2017 cannot compile .NET Standard 2.0 project

Does .NET Standard normalize HResult values across every platform it supports?

c# .net .net-standard hresult

Multiple assemblies with equivalent identity error with Xamarin.iOS

Visual Studio 2017 error: Cannot find project info for “” This can indicate a missing project reference - with Console App .NET Core 2.1

c# .net-core .net-standard

How to use dependency injection in .NET Standard project?

.NET naming conventions for solution with .NET Standard, .NET Core and .NET Framwork Projects

.NET Standard - Merge a certificate and a private key into a .pfx file programmatically

Get Executing Assembly Name in .net core

Can you share version information between .NET Standard libraries?

Why doesn't C#'s String.Join use StringBuilder at one point? [duplicate]

Is a .NET Standard DLL binary compatible with a .NET Framework one?

c# .net .net-standard

Unable to find package NETStandard.Library

UWP ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback