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Will App-Status "Pending Developer Release" stop Beta-Testing in Testflight

Is it possible to have an App reviewed by Apple and keep on Beta-Testing?

In the iTunes Connect Developer Guide it says: "When the app becomes "Ready for Sale" in the App Store, testing automatically stops on earlier builds, and you will be unable to view or test them."

But what happens If we would choose "Manual release" while submitting an App for App Store Review so the App-status after successful review will be "Pending Developer Release".

1) Is it correct that the status "Pending Developer Release" won't stop testing automatically and our Beta-Tester still can test with Testflight?

2) Is it correct, that if we press "Release now" while the app status is "Pending Developer Release" it changes to "Ready for Sale" and Beta-Testing will stop?

like image 758
Kauboglick Avatar asked Sep 20 '15 19:09


People also ask

What does Pending Developer Release mean in App Store?

Your app version has been approved by Apple and is waiting on you to release it. Release the version to the store when you're ready. See Specifying When App Versions Are Released.

How long does the new TestFlight beta review process usually take?

Approval usually takes no more than 48 hours. Once Apple approves your version of the app, subsequent builds won't need a review until you change the version number.

How do I stop TestFlight testing?

If you wish to stop beta testing completely - open the TestFlight app, select Delta, and tap on 'Stop Testing' at the bottom. This will remove you from our Early Access Program (or beta testers list) and you will no longer receive any new builds or notifications.

1 Answers

I talk about Testflight Internal Testers.

1) Is it correct that the status "Pending Developer Release" won't stop testing automatically and our Beta-Tester still can test with Testflight?

It is correct. Your Beta-Tester still can test in "Pending Developer Release".

2) Is it correct, that if we press "Release now" while the app status is "Pending Developer Release" it changes to "Ready for Sale" and Beta-Testing will stop?

It is correct. If you press "Release now", the app status of Testflight changes to "UNAVAILABLE".

example: enter image description here


Is it the same with external Testers?

YES! I have tried that.

Can external testers keep on testing after the App received the Status "Pending Developer Release".

The status of my app is "Pending Developer Release".

enter image description here

External testers can keep on testing.

enter image description here

enter image description here

like image 59
Kosuke Ogawa Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Kosuke Ogawa