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New posts in xml-serialization

Xml Serialization Dynamic Ignore

XmlSerializer and factory-created elements

JAXB Annotations - How do I make a list of XmlIDRef elements have the id value as an attribute instead of element body text?

java xml-serialization jaxb

How to serialize Anonymous-typed Objects to XML?

Symbol is already defined. Use JAXB property to resolve the conflict

How do I stop my System.Messaging.MessageQueue from wrapping my strings in XML?

c# .net xml-serialization msmq

XML Serialization of HTML

How to serialize and save an object to database as Xml using Linq to SQL

xerces serialization in Java 6

Serialize class's ToString() value as XmlElement

c# xml-serialization

XML serializing a list of a base class

Rename class when serializing to XML

Deserialize XML with multiple types

Why isn't my DbNull a singleton when I deserialise it using XmlSerialiser?

Can XmlSerializer deserialize into a Nullable<int>?

asp.net xml-serialization

Serialize enum as int

how to use XmlAttributeOverrides when serializing an array?

c# .net xml-serialization

How do I stop an empty tag from being emitted by XmlSerializer?

Using IXmlSerializable interface on complex object graph

Format XML output with apache commons configuration XMLConfiguration