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New posts in xml-namespaces

XPath how to identify an attribute in a predicate in a namespace-unaware way [duplicate]

xml xpath xml-namespaces

How to use namespaces when writing XML file with SimpleXML


c# wpf xaml xml-namespaces

C# - Add XML Namespace (xmlns) tag to document

Namespace Prefixes with IXmlSerializable

NuGet unable to extract metadata from assembly with XmlnsDefinitionAttribute

XSLT 1.0 Remove xmlns="" from element

xml xslt xml-namespaces

How can I coerce XmlWriter to handle namespaces correctly?

Modifying an xslt to be namespace agnostic

xml xslt xpath xml-namespaces

Add a namespace on an xml generated by a query

XML namespace of unprefixed child element where parent has xmlns:prefix declared

Deserializing a single element in a large XML document: xmlSerializer.Deserialize(xmlReader.ReadSubtree()) fails due to namespace issues

Omit unneeded namespaces from the output

xslt output xml-namespaces

How can I find out the namespace of an element in PHP DOM?

Why backgroundTint requires android: prefix after API 21 but not before?

XSLT root tag namespace instead of element attribute namespace

xslt xml-namespaces

How to remove XML namespaces using Javascript?

In C#, is there a way to generate an XDocument using the short prefix instead of the full namespace for each node?

Adding namespaces to XmlDocument using XmlNamespaceManager

Cannot add namespace prefix to children using XSL