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New posts in xcode-bots

Where do Xcode Bots put their results, so I can parse them?

Using script to fire Xcode bot

xcode osx-server xcode-bots

Crashlytics: Unable to package source due to error

No destinations were specified with the -destination flag which were valid for the specified scheme

xcode xcodebuild xcode-bots

Can't install ipa generated by Xcode Server bot on the device

Deploying to the Crashlytics Beta service from an Xcode Bot

Xcode Bots not sending email on success/failure

xcode ios7 xcode5 xcode-bots

Xcode bot does not see repository branches


Xcode Bots:: Creating archive failed: xcodebuild exited with status 65

Start Integration of Xcode Bot manually?

xcode xcodebuild xcode-bots

Xcode bot install link request time out

Pod Install in Xcode Bots Trigger

Xcode server bot failing test action because "Too many open files in system."

Xcode build server showing blank web interface after OS X Server update

How to set Xcode Bot to run "on commit" for all branches of remote repository?