I was watching WWDC 2014 "Continuous Integration with Xcode" Video and it looks great how the bots can be used to run test. But my question is to anyone who has seen the video, when he sends message to Jeeves saying " integrate CoffeeBoard ".Bot starts to integrate. I want to know how he did that.
I want to add post-receive hook on github which on receiving any commit should start Xcode bot on my OS X Server. Most of my team members use SourceTree or GitHub to manage their git and they don't want to use Xcode Source Control. I thought creating a bot and setting its option to start manually will do the trick. I need to know, "Does OS X Server gives you option like some sort of url which will start a bot? "
Sorry, If I am not clear enough. But it is too confusing for me as they have very less documentation on triggers. And though he mention it as cool new feature, they have included no information to achieve that
In Xcode, continuous integration is the process of automating and streamlining the building, analyzing, testing, and archiving of your Mac and iOS apps, in order to ensure that they are always in a releasable state.
Bots are processes that Xcode Server runs to perform integrations on the current version of a project in a source code repository. An integration is a single run of a bot. Integrations consist of building, analyzing, testing, and archiving the apps (or other software products) defined in your Xcode projects.
You can click the Launchpad icon in the Dock and then click Server. In the Services list in the Server app sidebar, select Xcode. Click Choose Xcode, and select Xcode. The first time you enable Xcode Server on a particular Mac, the service asks you to identify the Xcode release it should use to perform its tasks.
Xcode Server can 'Archive' and host a build which on Xcode Server machine. The hosted build can be distributed to QA and Product People to have a look. The build can be downloaded using Server address in an browser like Safari from the devices. There will an option to 'Install' build on the devices.
The prior two answers don't exactly answer the original question of "how they did that" to kick off bots from within Messages app.
I've recreated the exact workflow and scripts required to mimic the Jeeves virtual assistant for interacting with bots (and for getting the weather).
See the linked PDF document for the complete details:
Edit: original answer was deleted due, I believe, to the fact that I referenced via a link to the full answer. This edit adds the full implementation details as part of this answer. I hope it is not too long for a SO answer.
Integrating Xcode Bots with Messages
During WWDC 2014 Session 415, Continuous Integration with Xcode 6, Apple demonstrated integrating Xcode bots with the Messages app via custom integration triggers. More specifically, starting at the 23 minute mark of that session’s video (https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2014-415/), Apple demonstrates the use of integration triggers in conjunction with Messages to receive the status of integrations on a build server. Furthermore, through the use of a virtual chat room member, Jeeves, they demonstrate the ability to start integrations directly from within the Messages app. The following article provides step-by-step instructions to reproduce that functionality.
Client and Server Configurations
To get started, here are the configurations of the client and server I used to mimic the Jeeves functionality:
Client OS X Version 10.11 (El Capitan), Xcode 7.0.1
Server OS X Version 10.11 (El Capitan), OS X Server 5.0.4, Xcode 7.0.1, Ruby 2.0.0p645
Network For my development and continuous integrations, I use an internal network. My OS X Server is at domain.local, and my development machine is another node on the same internal network. The instructions below should work regardless if you’re using an internal or external server.
Jabber – The foundation of Messages
Jabber is the original name of an open source protocol for instance messaging. Jabber was renamed the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP). The OS X Messages app is built using Jabber at its core.
We’ll use Jabber (Messages) extensively in this effort, so let’s ensure it is on. From the OS X Server App, select the Services > Messages view, and toggle on Messages in the upper right corner. For Jeeves, the Messages service settings I used are as follows:
From a terminal window on your server, if you want to check the specific settings for Jabber, use
$ sudo serveradmin settings jabber
Note in particular the jabberClientPortTLS (5222) and jabberClientPortSSL (5223) values. These are the ports on your server that you will use to communicate with the Jabber service.
We’ll be writing most of the scripts for Jeeves using Ruby, and we’ll need a XMPP/Jabber library to accomplish this. From a terminal window on your server, install XMPP4R (an XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby) using
$ gem install xmpp4r
Create Users for Jabber Service
Because my Server is a local server without any developer accounts on it, I needed to create accounts for various developers to login to Jabber. You may or may not need this step depending if your server already has user accounts defined.
From the OS X Server App on your server, go to the Accounts > Users list, and add new user for each client that will be utilizing the virtual Jeeves assistant. Be sure to create a new user for Jeeves. For user ‘Tom’, here are the settings that were used. Be sure to create an email address for each user, but the Mail service does not need to be running. These email addresses will be used to log into the Jabber service from the Messages App on your client.
Login to Jabber from Client Development Machine
With the user account(s) defined on your server, it’s now time to login to the Jabber account from your client machine. In the Messages app on your client, go to Messages > Preferences > Accounts. Select the + sign in the lower left, select “Other Messages Account...” and press Continue. In the Add a Messages account dialog, select Jabber for the Account Type, and fill in the credential information for your user(s). Here were the settings I used:
(Note with SSL toggled on, the Port (5223) matches the jabberClientPortSSL value you listed earlier when checking the settings of the Jabber service on your server.)
After successfully logging in to the Jabber service, you can optionally change your account nickname under the “Chat Settings” page of the Jabber account. All other default settings are okay to leave as is.
Create Chat Room
We want all bot integration statuses and communication to our virtual assistant, Jeeves, to be through a Messages chat room. Chat rooms allow group communication but you don’t need an invitation to join. To create the chat room, do the following.
From Messages, choose File > Go to Chat Room. You should see the account you logged into the Jabber service listed. Key in [email protected] for the Room Name, and select Go. (Note that I found that chat room needed to be ‘rooms..local’ .com’>. Using a word other than ‘rooms’ would not create the chat room.)
Configure the Server Websites Service
When an integration is started from Xcode running on your client machine, the pre- and post- integration scripts communicate with the Jabber service by making an http call to a file on the OS X Server Website Service. You must configure the OS X Server Websites service to handle these calls.
You’ll need to modify the settings for the non-SSL http (port 80) site. Here are the settings I used.
Select the Port 80 Website, and select the pencil icon underneath to make your settings match these.
Select the “Edit Advanced Settings...” and make your settings match these. (Enabling “Allow CGI execution...” enables Ruby script execution.)
Finally, you’ll need to enable a particular file (message_room – we’ll discuss later) to be configured to run as a Ruby script. To do that, place the following .htaccess file in your web server’s default home folder (typically /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default).
Options +ExecCGI
<FilesMatch message_room$>
SetHandler cgi-script
NOTE: in all of the following ruby scripts, you’ll need to modify the variables just under the “credentials” comment in each script to match your domain, and login credentials.
Pre- and Post-Integration Scripts When we start an integration from Xcode on our client machine, we want to send a message to the Jabber Integration chat room so that all members of the chat room can be notified the integration has started (and finished). Add the following pre- and post-integration scripts to your project’s bot on the bot Triggers page within Xcode.
This is the pre-integration Trigger script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# credentials and such
domain = "<yourDomain>.local"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# our messaging endpoint
uri = URI.parse("http://#{domain}:80/message_room")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# what we want to say
message = "#{ENV['XCS_BOT_NAME']} integration #{ENV['XCS_INTEGRATION_NUMBER']} is now starting."
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build up the request body
reqBody = {:message => message}
body = JSON.generate(reqBody)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# the connect type
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build up the request
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
request.add_field('Content-type', 'application/json')
request.body = body
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# send the request and get the response
response = http.request(request)
This is the post-integration Trigger script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# credentials and such
domain = "<yourDomain>.local"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# our messaging endpoint
uri = URI.parse("http://#{domain}:80/message_room")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# what we want to say
integrationResult = case ENV['XCS_INTEGRATION_RESULT']
when "succeeded"
"has completed successfully."
when "test-failures"
"completed with #{tc} failing #{(tc ==1 ) ? 'test' : 'tests'}."
when "build-errors"
ec = ENV['XCS_ERROR_COUNT'].to_i
"failed with #{ec} build #{(ec == 1) ? 'error' : 'errors'}."
when "warnings"
"completed with #{wc} #{(wc == 1) ? 'warning' : 'warnings'}."
when "analyzer-warnings"
"completed with #{ic} static analysis #{(ic == 1) ? 'issue' : 'issues'}."
when "trigger-error"
"failed running trigger script."
when "checkout-error"
"failed to checkout from source control."
"failed with unexpected errors."
message = "#{ENV['XCS_BOT_NAME']} integration #{ENV['XCS_INTEGRATION_NUMBER']} #{integrationResult}"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build up the request body
reqBody = {:message => message}
body = JSON.generate(reqBody)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# the connect type
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build up the request
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
request.add_field('Content-type', 'application/json')
request.body = body
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# send the request and get the response
response = http.request(request)
The prior two Ruby scripts make a call to the message_room file residing in your OS X Server Website home folder (typically /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default). Place the following message_room file into that folder.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'cgi'
require 'json'
require 'xmpp4r'
require 'xmpp4r/muc'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# credentials and such
domain = "<domain>.local"
userId = "jeeves@#{domain}"
userPw = "<jeevesAccountPassword>"
roomName = "integration@rooms.#{domain}"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# header sent back
cgi = CGI.new
puts cgi.header( "type" => "text/html", "status" => "OK")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get the message out of the json formatted text
keyValue = JSON.parse(cgi.params.keys.first)
key = "message"
value = keyValue[key] puts value
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create the message to the iChat (jabber) room
fromJID = Jabber::JID.new(userId)
jabberClient = Jabber::Client.new(fromJID)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# send the message to a chat room
roomID = roomName + "/" + jabberClient.jid.node
roomJID = Jabber::JID::new(roomID)
room = Jabber::MUC::MUCClient.new(jabberClient) room.join(roomJID)
roomMessage = Jabber::Message.new(roomJID, value) room.send(roomMessage)
Starting Integrations from the Messages App
We want to be able to issue instructions to our virtual assistant Jeeves from within the Messages App. We’re going to support three instructions:
Jeeves, weather # gets the current weather (w/o zip defaults to Cupertino)
Jeeves, integration (Bot Name) # starts an integration for the given Bot
Jeeves, exit # shutdown Jeeves on your OS X Server
The following files will be placed in your OS X Server website’s default folder (typically /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default).
The main file that handles the virtual assistant, Jeeves, is jeevesManager.rb. Start this file to wake Jeeves up by entering
$ ruby ./jeevesManager.rb
from the website’s default folder on your server.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'xmpp4r'
require 'xmpp4r/muc'
require 'xmpp4r/delay'
require './jeevesWeather.rb'
require './jeevesIntegration.rb'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# credentials and such
domain = "<domain>.local"
userId = "jeeves@#{domain}"
userPw = "<jeevesAccountPassword>"
roomName = "integration@rooms.#{domain}"
defaultWeatherZipCode = "95015"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create the client we'll use
fromJID = Jabber::JID.new(userId)
jabberClient = Jabber::Client.new(fromJID)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# connect to the chatroom
roomID = roomName + "/" + jabberClient.jid.node
roomJID = Jabber::JID::new(roomID)
room = Jabber::MUC::MUCClient.new(jabberClient) room.join(roomJID)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# weather
def getWeather(m)
words = m.body.downcase.split("weather")
where = defaultWeatherZipCode
if (words.length == 2)
where = words[1].strip
weather = get_weather_for_city(where,'f')
weather = "Couldn't get weather for that location - try zip code"
return weather
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# integration
def startIntegration(m)
words = m.body.split("integrate")
botName = "Invalid BOT Name"
if (words.length == 2)
botName = words[1].strip
integrationMessage = jeevesIntegration(botName)
integrationMessage = "Failed integrating #{botName}"
return integrationMessage
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# listen for messages in chatroom (this callback will run in a separate thread)
room.add_message_callback do |m|
if (m.x.nil?) # the msg is current
if m.type != :error
body = m.body;
if (body.downcase.include? "jeeves")
# assume Jeeves does not understand command
understood = 0
# exit Jeeves
if (body.downcase.include? "exit")
understood = 1
message = "Good-bye"
# Weather
if (body.downcase.include? "weather")
understood = 1
message = getWeather(m)
# Integrate BOT
if (body.downcase.include? "integrate")
understood = 1
message = startIntegration(m)
# Jeeves doesn't understand command
if (understood == 0)
message = "I don't understand that command!"
# let user know what has happened
roomMessage = Jabber::Message.new(roomJID, message)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# add the callback to respond to server ping (to keep the connect alive)
jabberClient.add_iq_callback do |iq_received|
if iq_received.type == :get
if iq_received.queryns.to_s != 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'
iq = Jabber::Iq.new(:result, jabberClient.jid.node)
iq.id = iq_received.id
iq.from = iq_received.to
iq.to = iq_received.from
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# stop the main thread (the call back will still be alive this way)
print "Connected to chat room...\n"
print "Disconnected from chat room...\n"
# leave chat room and log out of Jabber
Two other supplemental files are utilized by the Jeeves manager file above. The first one below handles getting the weather forecast and formatting it, and the second handles starting an integration.
######### Weather #########
require 'rexml/document'
require 'open-uri'
require 'net/smtp'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# yahoo weather url info
# http://developer.yahoo.net/weather/#examples
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Returns a hash containing the location and temperature information
#Accepts US zip codes or Yahoo location id's
def yahoo_weather_query(loc_id, units)
h = {}
open("http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/forecastrss?p=#{loc_id}&u=#{units}") do |http|
response = http.read
doc = REXML::Document.new(response)
root = doc.root
channel = root.elements['channel']
location = channel.elements['yweather:location']
h[:city] = location.attributes["city"]
h[:region] = location.attributes["region"]
h[:country] = location.attributes["country"]
h[:temp] = channel.elements["item"].elements["yweather:condition"].attributes["temp"]
h[:text] = channel.elements["item"].elements["yweather:condition"].attributes["text"]
h[:wind_speed] = channel.elements['yweather:wind'].attributes['speed']
h[:humidity] = channel.elements['yweather:atmosphere'].attributes['humidity']
h[:sunrise] = channel.elements['yweather:astronomy'].attributes['sunrise']
h[:sunset] = channel.elements['yweather:astronomy'].attributes['sunset']
h[:forecast_low] = channel.elements["item"].elements['yweather:forecast'].attributes['low']
h[:forecast_high] = channel.elements["item"].elements['yweather:forecast'].attributes['high'] end
return h
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_weather_for_city(city_code,units)
weather_info = yahoo_weather_query(city_code, units)
city = weather_info[:city]
region = weather_info[:region]
country = weather_info[:country]
temp = weather_info[:temp]
wind_speed = weather_info[:wind_speed]
humidity = weather_info[:humidity]
text = weather_info[:text]
sunrise = weather_info[:sunrise]
sunset = weather_info[:sunset]
forecast_low = weather_info[:forecast_low]
forecast_high = weather_info[:forecast_high]
return "#{city}, #{region}:\n" + " Currently #{temp} degrees, #{humidity}% humidity, #{wind_speed} mph winds, #{text}.\n" + " Forecast: #{forecast_low} low, #{forecast_high} high.\n" + " Sunrise: #{sunrise}, sunset: #{sunset}.\n"
Finally, this is the script that kicks off an integration from Messages app
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
require 'openssl'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def jeevesIntegration(botToIntegrate)
# credentials
domain = "<domain>.local"
endpoint = "https://#{domain}:20343"
user = "your-integration-username (not Jeeves)"
password = "password"
# return message
message = "Bot '#{botToIntegrate}' does not exist on server #{domain}"
# request JSON construct with all the BOTS
botsRequestURI = URI.parse("#{endpoint}/api/bots")
output = open(botsRequestURI, {ssl_verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE})
bots = JSON.parse(output.readlines.join(""))
# loop through full list of BOTS for the one we're interested in
bots['results'].each do |bot|
botName = bot['name']
if (botName.downcase == botToIntegrate.downcase)
botID = bot['_id']
# curl -k -X POST -u "#{user}:#{password}" "#{endpoint}/api/bots/#{botid}/integrations" -i
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# kickoff integration
uri = URI.parse(endpoint)
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new("/api/bots/#{botID}/integrations")
request.basic_auth(user, password)
response = http.request(request)
message = "Integrating #{botName} on server #{domain}"
return message
Yes, as I answered here, you first need to find out the bot _id
and then send a POST
request to the bot's endpoint. See the link for details.
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