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The type or namespace name could not be found (New to XAML)

Why a binding's StringFormat didn't use a current culture?

c# windows-phone-7 xaml

Outer Glow Effect for TextBlock in WinRT

WPF Binding a Dependency Property

How do I bind rich text (FlowDocument?) from my view model to a RichTextBlock?

Hub Tiles animation "semi expanded" broken

Prevent taps from passing through buttons in XAML/WPF

Make WPF button look less flat

c# wpf xaml button templating

Keyboard shortcuts in Metro apps

Show SelectedIndex in WPF Tabcontrol header template

c# wpf xaml binding tabcontrol

Can you bind the visibility of a GroupBox to the visibility of it's children?

c# wpf xaml data-binding

What code is executed as part of the XAML design time? In Visual Studio and Blend

xaml Scrollviewer - Disable Overscrolling / rubber-band-effect / snapback-effect / bouncing of whole window

Windows Phone Toolkit ListPicker Throws an Unhandled Exception

xaml windows-phone

Strange behaviour (or bug?) with ComboBox in WPF when changing DataContext and having bound ItemsSource and SelectedItem

c# wpf xaml combobox datacontext

Using the Treeview HierarchicalDataTemplate.Triggers to change folder icon

Unknown type 'AppBarButton' in XML namespace - Windows 8 Store App XAML, issues adding app bars

In XAML, Why a Transparent background blocks this Trigger?

wpf xaml

How to 'merge' a XAML file and its code-behind with Visual Studio

Where has TextBlock Background property gone in UWP?

xaml uwp