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New posts in x-ua-compatible

x-ua compatible not working every time

Stuck with IE compatibility mode

X-UA-Compatibility with HTTP Header

IE page being forced into IE7 Document Mode

X-UA-Compatible in parent is IE=8, page in IFRAME is IE=edge,chrome=1

Html 5 Reset (html5reset.org) - X-UA-Compatible doesn't work

X-UA-Compatible: IE=9 vs IE=EmulateIE9, other browsers


overwrite X-UA-Compatible meta in SharePoint 2010

How can I disable the Compatibility Mode button in IE9?

What is the point of X-UA-Compatible?

html x-ua-compatible

Why does http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" is not validated in W3C Validator? [duplicate]

HTML1115: X-UA-Compatible META tag ('IE=9, IE=8, chrome=1') ignored because document mode is already finalized

Does meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" impact on non-IE explorer?

Which X-UA-Compatible takes precedence? Http-header or Meta-tags?

Emulate IE7 for IE8 but not for IE9 using "X-UA-Compatible"

Force IE9 to emulate IE8. Possible?

What is X-UA-Compatible when it references IE=edge,chrome=1?

html meta x-ua-compatible

IE Compatibility Mode: 'X-UA-Compatible' tag 'Edge'

Force "Internet Explorer 8" browser mode in intranet

Is it still valid to use IE=edge,chrome=1?