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New posts in wsdl

WSDL Client Generation not complete?

web-services wsdl tibco xfire

Having issue with delphi WSDL importer

delphi wsdl soap-client

Generating C# client code from a JAXB WSDL with a binding file

c# jaxb wsdl

ksoap2 : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: size <= 0 while making a http.call

android wsdl ksoap2 soap1.2

How can I create Endpoint for WebService?

java web-services soap wsdl cxf

DHL trackShipmentRequest - WDSL - PHP - SOAP

php soap wsdl

Custom parse & print methods for WSDLs with several schemas

java xml jaxb wsdl schema

Perl soap::lite and complex data

perl soap wsdl soaplite

WCF service + SvcUtil generating unexpected object structure

c# wcf soap wsdl svcutil.exe

SpringBoot SOAP webservice Dynamic WSDL generation not working If remove Request suffix from RequestPayload element

ruby savon and wsdl namespacing

ruby web-services wsdl savon

How to make WSDL.exe NOT generate the XxxAsync methods (I still want Begin/EndXxx)

.net asynchronous wsdl

Java web service, xsd date instead of dateTime

PHP SoapClient: Problems with Distributed WSDL File

php soap wsdl client distributed

Change Address/Port of WSDL EndPointAddress at runtime?

Why is ASP.NET trying to generate a temporary class for a Web Service reference?

WSDL runtime validation with JAX-WS

web-services xsd wsdl jax-ws

Convert a WSDL to its respective HTTP Bindings

soap service wsdl web

Android WSDL/SOAP service client

android soap service wsdl

How to use a class customization to resolve file generating conflicts

java spring maven jaxb wsdl