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WSDL, Enums and C#: It's still murky

c# wsdl enumeration

Generating Metro Client Using Local WSDL File

Webservice with HTTPS

java web-services wsdl

svcutil.exe - Proxy generated not allowing for nullable fields

standalone java webservice client

java web-services soap wsdl

WSDL for SOAP and WSDL for REST and REST based on JSON

java web-services rest soap wsdl

Xsd schema location can not be found in WSDL file

python suds wrong namespace prefix in SOAP request

python soap xsd wsdl suds

Public SOAP WSDL file a security issue?

xml security soap wsdl

How to generate *.xjb file from WSDL?

jaxb wsdl wsdl2java xjc xjb

Consuming a SOAP web service error (No marshaller registered. Check configuration of WebServiceTemplate)

Java 11: import javax.xml.ws.WebFault: "Cannot resolve symbol ws"

java jaxb wsdl java-11 wsdl2java

What are tools and best practices for testing web services?

Multiple Operations with soapAction="" in a WCF Service Contract?

c# wcf wsdl

What methods exist to auto-generate java client stubs from WSDL files?

java wsdl axis2

WCF: myservice.svc?wsdl shows "You have created a service.", not WSDL?

wcf https wsdl wshttpbinding

Eclipse WSDL generator (from java class)?

create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2

android wsdl ksoap2

Consuming WSDL in Clojure

clojure wsdl

Why is it important to be WS-I Basic Profile compliant?

web-services soap wsdl