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New posts in windows-runtime

How to await an async private method invoked using reflection in WinRT?

Run code on UI thread in WinRT

Correct way to get the CoreDispatcher in a Windows Store app

How to remove the "Go to live visual tree" / "Enable selection" / "Display layout adorners" overlay when debugging?

Windows GUI: WPF or WinRT (2015+)

How can a Metro app in Windows 8 communicate with a backend desktop app on the same machine?

Convert a List<T> into an ObservableCollection<T>

c# windows-runtime

Allowing Untrusted SSL Certificates with HttpClient

Why is WinRT unmanaged? [closed]

Adding headers when using httpClient.GetAsync

How does Windows 8 Runtime (WinRT / Windows Store apps / Windows 10 Universal App) compare to Silverlight and WPF? [closed]

Setting Authorization Header of HttpClient

c# rest oauth windows-runtime