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New posts in web-services

Testing a Web Service

Displaying WCF Web service operations

How do I authenticate a urllib2 script in order to access HTTPS web services from a Django site?

Error executing Powershell commandlets using C#

SOAP message with javax.xml.soap - namespace error?

Sending SOAP message with C# Help Needed

c# web-services soap

Open/Close Web Service

c# asp.net wcf web-services

Does the FedEx shipping API have a SOAP endpoint?

web-services api soap wsdl fedex

Unable to call the DLL from ASP.NET

c# asp.net web-services dll

Web-Service vs Client-Server Distributed Computing Technology

How to schedule a C# code execution

c# asp.net web-services

Sitecore pipeline interfering with WebMethod (asmx) invocation

c# ajax web-services sitecore

Programmatically exporting reports from SQL 2012 Reporting Services

Should RESTful URIs expose database primary keys?

ASP.Net webservice with SQL Server database connectivity

How to publish web service on a website

Use nagios to send xml request to web service, and retrieve response

Configuring Tomcat to communicate through proxy in Localhost - Fiddler

Errors with web services in Apache CXF

ASMX Web Service "Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction"

asp.net web-services soap asmx