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ERROR trying to generate classes from a WSDL using maven in spring mvc

how to load the cxf wss4j crypto property file from external location other than the classpath

java web-services cxf

Can i have the same path for two classes in Rest Api?

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When to use Soap and when to use Rest [closed]

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certificate mechanism between webservice provider and consumer

How to fix javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: java.lang.NullPointerException?

Get headers feign netflix

This error keeps popping up in my visual studio - RevocationStatusUnknown

@Part in multipart sends the string parameters in double quote

Where is data stored in React.js? [closed]

Soap logging in .net

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How to document a WCF web-service in a technical spec?

c# wcf web-services

Sending a Soap Header with a WSDL Soap Request with PHP

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Web services that take and return XML documents - why?

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what points i should consider to create API for a new website i am building? [closed]

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What web server interface to choose?

DataContractSerializer and deserializing web service response types

Can I return JSON from an .asmx Web Service if the ContentType is not JSON?

generate php code from wsdl [closed]

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jQuery + JSONP + Yahoo Query Language