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New posts in urllib2

How can I determine the final URL after redirection using python / urllib2?

python redirect urllib2

Downloading *.mp4 files with Python

Why is the connection refused?

regarding using urllib3 to replace urllib2

python urllib2 urllib urllib3

Why urllib2 doesn't work for me?

python ubuntu urllib2

Python urllib2. URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 10048] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted>

python urllib2

How do I authenticate a urllib2 script in order to access HTTPS web services from a Django site?

HEAD request vs. GET request

python http urllib2 head pycurl

using tor as a SOCKS5 proxy with python urllib2 or mechanize

Why urllib returns garbage from some wikipedia articles?

python urllib2

Python httplib.InvalidURL: nonnumeric port fail

python python-2.7 urllib2

Python urllib2 login to minecraft.net

How to get text from inside a <span class="className">TEXT I WANT</span> in Python

Using Google AppEngine Urlfetch instead of urllib2

gevent / requests hangs while making lots of head requests

how to handle "getaddrinfo failed"?

python urllib2 urllib urlopen

DeadlineExceededError: ApplicationError: 5 in using urllib2.urlopen() function

add_header expecting 3 arguments instead of just key/value

Storing cookielib cookies in a database

python urllib2 cookielib

Basic authentication using urllib2 with python with JIRA REST api

python rest urllib2 jira