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New posts in web-frameworks

Choosing a simple web application framework [closed]


What's the most minimal Java web MVC framework? [closed]

Path routing in Flask

Python web development framework for python 3.1 user

python web-frameworks

What's the oldest still-maintained web framework? [closed]

history web-frameworks

Are there any more original, more functional Haskell web-frameworks? [closed]

haskell web-frameworks

Which web development framework works best with Google App Engine? [closed]

Looking for a lightweight Python web framework with minimal configuration [closed]

Web interface for a twisted application

Django-like Framework Pattern

Is it possible to combine Dojo with other JS frameworks?

Asynchronous initialization of express.js (or similar) apps

Simplest way to implement backend server for multiplayer JavaScript game? (COMET/longpolling)

Why do modern JavaScript Frameworks discourage direct interaction with the DOM

Why don't Django and CherryPy support HTTP verb-based dispatch natively?

Which Java web frameworks provide hot-reload?

What does it mean to be a micro framework? [closed]

Is there any performance comparison between Perl web frameworks?

How do the Scala based frameworks stack up for a complete Scala newbie - Lift, Play, Circumflex, etc [closed]

Which web frameworks support Python3 (PEP3333 - WSGI 1.0.1 compliance) [closed]