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New posts in web-frameworks

"Restful" Java WEB MVC frameworks

Is there a web framework for kotlin native

How to integrate SockJS with another web framework

Are ASP.Net Webforms and ASP.Net MVC component-based or action-based?

Choosing a java web framework 2011 [closed]

Vaadin alternative for heavily loaded UI

Mojolicious::Lite with Template Toolkit

Pyramid equivalent to Django's syncdb command?

add javascript dependencies like java dependencies in maven 2?

Web "frameworks" for Haxe to deploy in a PHP environment?

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Why CherryPy session does not require a secret key?

Any disadvantage to using Zend for a very small website [closed]

Is Catalyst+Mason+Template::Toolkit worth learning rather than sticking to LAMP+Axkit?

HTTP 405 -- web server compliance

http rest web web-frameworks

Tierless web framework with Javascript?

What's the *right* way to handle a POST in FP?

Python: How to create simple web pages without a huge framework? [closed]

Now with GWT 2, what are the advantages over wicket and likewise?

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Are there any MVC web frameworks for Haskell?

Are there any modern (Moose/PSGI) web frameworks other than Catalyst?

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