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Choosing a simple web application framework [closed]

I'm evaluating web application frameworks for a hobby project I'm starting, and am beginning to go crazy trying to decide among the vast number of frameworks available to choose. The framework language isn't helping me filter out frameworks as I have varying levels of experience with Java, Python, Ruby and C#, and don't mind frameworks in any of these languages.

I'm looking for help in narrowing the choice down to a few that I can then investigate in more detail.

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nagul Avatar asked Jan 15 '09 23:01


2 Answers

You may want to step back and really consider which language you enjoy coding in the most, regardless of your level of expertise in each. That will definitely narrow down your choices. I think it's kind of hard to choose a framework without choosing a language first. For instance, what if you end up doing your project in ASP.NET MVC, and find yourself not even liking C#/.NET too much to begin with.

Also ask yourself why you need a framework, or how a framework would help you with your hobby project. (Unless the hobby project is just for the sake of learning a framework.)

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felideon Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09


My suggestion is just pick one.

I'm using Rails and am quite pleased with overall simplicity and performance - both, of code and mine as a programmer.

Lately I've started looking at Smalltalk web framework Aida/Web. It has it's own pros and cons, but development is quicker (no restarts, can edit running code), it's lot easier on RAM then Rails and in 95% of time you don't need a database, just use image for persistence.

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Damir Horvat Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Damir Horvat