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New posts in web-config-transform

Web.config transforms - surrounding elements

Is it possible to link Web.config transform with publishing profile?

How do I get an msbuild task to do config transforms on a collection of files?

Web.config transformation: how to apply a transformation to all node matching a Locator expression?

How do I transform replace a dependentAssembly in web config?

How to replace a web.config setting with the current date while using webdeploy?

How to add web.config transformation different from Release and Debug [closed]

Transforming included configuration files using configSource

Set multiple attributes on root elemement using web.config transformation

Web config transformation condition/match to select a node based on parent node attribute

Insert DateTime.Now to a Web.Config during publish/deploy

Web Config Transformation Syntax

Web config transform for custom section

Can I force the installer project to use the .config file from the built solution instead of the original one?

Why am I getting a "No attribute 'name' exists for the Match Locator" error when publishing?

Error doing web.config transformation for different environments

Web.Config transformation of custom config section

How to rename web.config transforms

Publish is not transforming web.config?

Web config transform on microsoft.identityModel - 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform' attribute is not declared