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New posts in web-config-transform

Web.config transformation and search and replace

Remove parent of matched locator


How do I make entity-framework migrations use web.config transforms?

pubxml XML to change a web.config value on web deployment

Select node based on child node value in Web.config Transform

Different connection string for each publish profile in VS2010

How avoid *.<Environment>.config transformations being deployed on server

Inserting multiple items with Web.Config transforms

Why am I receiving the required attribute 'name' is missing warning in my Web.Release.config XML-Document-Transform file?

asp.net config transforms - don't apply for normal builds, only publish

In Visual Studio C#, is there a way to apply Web Config Transforms to Javascript files?

MSBuild - how to force "AfterBuild" target when I do deployment?

Applying web.config transformations locally

How can I stop config transformation inserts being inserted twice?

Mixing web.config transforms and Parameters.xml, or something to that effect

Web.config Transform variables

Specify Machine Name in Web.Config Transform

Web.config-style transforms for App.config files for C# Console apps?