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New posts in weak-references

How to use WeakRef in Typescript?

Problems with the GC when using a WeakValueDictionary for caches

Memory management / caching for costly objects in C#

GC doesn't collect when WeakReference references a delegate?

Need Help Eliminating Weak References In My App

.net weak-references

Is there way to check a `unowned` (actually `unowned(safe)`) reference has been deinited?

Equivalent to SoftReference in .net?

WeakReference to String and String constants

java weak-references

How NSMapTable works

How does a value in an entry in the WeakHashMap gets garbage collected when the actual object is garbage collected?

ObjC ARC: does a weak property's setter method run when the object is set to nil by ARC?

Understanding Phantom reference vs weak reference with respect to Reference queue

Xamarin garbage collector and circular references

Nested blocks and references to self

Memory leak of java.lang.ref.WeakReference objects inside JDK classes

Can i compare WeakReference variables in java?

Weak References and Disposable objects

Can I get a raw pointer from boost's weak_ptr?

Swift - weak self in didSet

Knowing where retain cycles are and removing them