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New posts in weak-references

Weak reference with a condition / timeout

Cost to GC of using weak references in C#?

Weak references and `OutOfMemoryError`s

Why does the existence of a try/finally block stop the garbage collector from working?

Macro capturing Self in block

Generic Array of weak references to class bound protocol in Swift 4.1

Matplotlib "dictionary changed size during iteration" error when creating subplot

Explanation of weak self assignment using __typeof

What‘s the difference between short weak reference and long weak reference?

Android MVP WeakRefrence

android mvp weak-references

Creating a temporary async timer callback to a bound method with python-asyncio

Android Handler changing WeakReference

Strange effect of C# closures on garbage collector

Weak-memoizing result of multi-parameter function in OCaml

Why did my app crash when assigning self to __weak local under ARC?

Swift. Is the (absolutely) sole specific advantage of unowned over weak, performance?

Does Dart/Flutter have the concept of weak references?

Create a weak reference to an object

Can Java garbage collect variables before end of scope?

ArrayList<WeakReference<Runnable>> - How to tidy up best?

java weak-references