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Swift. Is the (absolutely) sole specific advantage of unowned over weak, performance?

In Swift, we have normal default typing

  • the object simply cannot become nil.

we have weak typing

  • the object can become nil. if the object becomes nil, your pointer automatically becomes nil, so you know that the object became nil

and we have unowned typing

  • the object can become nil. if the object becomes nil, nothing whatsoever happens to your pointer - you're screwed if you try to use it

(So: by corollary: the one and only time you can use "unowned" is if you "absolutely know" the object will never become nil.)


It seems to me that the following sentence,

is absolutely true ...

and by absolutely I mean, really, truly, absolutely, down to the deepest possible philosophical concerns true...

"The only difference between unowned and weak, is performance. Since unowned has no checking, it is faster. There is absolutely no other difference."

and hence the logical corollary:

"There is, absolutely, no reason to use unowned, other than if the extra performance over weak is needed."

{Aside - the only other difference I can think of is in the self-documenting sense. If I use unowned, it cues my fellow developers to certain things; let us set aside that issue for now.)

So my question is straightforward, very exact, very specific: are the bold sentences above "true" (in the "utterly, very, spectacularly" true sense of true).

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Fattie Avatar asked Jan 24 '17 14:01


People also ask

What is difference between unowned and weak in Swift?

Unowned References in Swift Like a weak reference, an unowned reference does not increment or decrement the reference count of an object. However, unlike a weak reference, the program guarantees to the Swift compiler that an unowned reference will not be nil when it is accessed.

What is strong weak and unowned in Swift?

Strong, weak or unowned references In order to solve a problem, when Swift does not know which of the references can be removed and which not, there is a certain way called strong and weak references. All instance references created are strong by default.

Why unowned is faster than weak?

"The only difference between unowned and weak, is performance. Since unowned has no checking, it is faster.

What is the difference between strong weak and unowned?

The key difference between a strong and a weak or unowned reference is that a strong reference prevents the class instance it points to from being deallocated. That is very important to understand and remember. ARC keeps track of the number of strong references to a class instance.

2 Answers

I agree with Yannick. Your bold statements are not correct. An unowned reference must be valid for its lifetime. In an -Ounchecked program, failure to maintain this precondition is undefined behavior. I don't mean "it crashes." I mean it is not a well-formed program; it is undefined what it does. A weak reference cannot generate undefined behavior due to its release, even under -Ounchecked.

Using unowned is a statement by the programmer that the reference will be valid over its entire lifetime. That's not even something Type! asserts. ! types just assert that the reference will be valid at the point that it is accessed. That's why you can't test x == nil on an unowned. It is not optional. It's not "optional in disguise" (like Type!). It must always be valid.

Unlike a weak reference, however, an unowned reference is used when the other instance has the same lifetime or a longer lifetime. ... An unowned reference is expected to always have a value. —— [The Swift Programming Language]

So to your "deepest possible philosophical," unowned includes a precondition that does not exist in weak. This precondition exists outside the program, and must be proven by programmer, not the compiler, in order to ensure a well-formed program.

To whether there is a reason to use unowned, there certainly is if we're taking an absolutest stance (as in your question). It is the tightest type in cases where the precondition is known to be true. weak is a weaker type than unowned; it expresses fewer preconditions. Good type theory encourages us to use the strongest (most restrictive; fewest legal values) types we can, and unowned is a stronger type than weak.

In a non-absolutist ("practical") sense, the result of picking a stronger type is simpler code. When you use weak, you have to constantly re-assert the precondition that it is not nil every time you use it and handle the cases where it is (possibly inserting fatalError which just reinvents unowned with more work). Using unowned lets you assert this precondition one time. This creates simpler, more correct code. I've never used unowned for speed. I've always used it to avoid answering over and over again "but what if it's nil?" in code where it must never be nil.

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Rob Napier Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Rob Napier

The bold sentences are not true.

Weak is optional and can be set at any time.

Unowned is non-optional but can be nil. If that happens and you call it your app crashs. It has to be set during initialization.

Another difference is performance, as the author stated. Unowned does not do any checks and is slighty faster than weak.

It better shows the relationship between classes.

You can check out this SO question for further details: What is the difference between a weak reference and an unowned reference?

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Yannick Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 21:10
