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Patterns for Compensating Lack of Inheritance in SOA

c# .net wcf web-services soa

WCF - Cannot obtain Metadata

How do SOA developers usually structure their Web Services (WCF) solutions in Visual Studio?

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Could not find a base address that matches scheme https for the endpoint with binding BasicHttpBinding

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Consuming WCF service in android

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Can one WCF Service return another?

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WCF Service hosted in a Console Application

Remove Server from HTTP Response in WCF

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How to diagnose WCF Request errors if I don't have a "<behaviors>" node in my Web.Config?

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WCF and inactivity timeout: is it possible to disable the inactivity timeout?

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Unsupported media type requested when requesting application/json on WCF Data Service

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signalR and large data transfer [closed]

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Can't save old netsh http urlacl reservation

Use WCF service without proxy client

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How do i Consume WCF Data Service?

How do I access the assembly version and name from inside the assembly/WCF service?

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WCF async implementation with 'normal' interface

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Do I need to use POCO Classes with Entity Framework 6

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What is a KnownType in WCF

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Difference between putting WCF namespace or not?

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