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BizTalk: how to limit number of connections to a wcf service?

Using Rx to simplify an asynchronous Silverlight web service request

WCF 64 bit not working

WCF can't serialize cyclic references

How to Cause a Subclass of a DataContract Class to Appear in the Metadata of a WCF Service?

c# wcf

WCF: Can't call own WCF service

.net wcf wcfserviceclient

How to initialize wcf client with particular Url Address?

c# .net wcf

throwing exception from WCF

c# .net wcf exception

WCF catches exception " The server did not provide a meaningful reply.."


WCF Service design pattern

wcf design-patterns

DataMember vs DataMemberAttribute

Two way communicating server/client architecture?

WCF - SSL Service

wcf wcf-security

Send JSON to WCF 3.5 using Ajax

ajax wcf json

Debug into WCF Service

Rest Wcf service

c# wcf

Exclude an operation from a transaction

c# .net wcf

Trace all the calls (+ their stack) made to a WCF service

wcf performance logging

MonoTouch & LINQ - Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object

ChannelFactory<T> without interface

c# wcf soap