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New posts in wcf

.NET Core ChannelFactory - Set a X509Certificate2 as Client Certificate

Thou shalt have only Autonomous Services

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WCF behind load balancer - how to setup

.net wcf wcf-binding

Will calling close() on my WCF service release all resources?

c# wcf garbage-collection

Exposing WCF subclasses based on an abstract class

c# wcf abstract-class

Non-defined enumeration values in WCF service

c# wcf

WCF: Service that only allows a single client and rejects others

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Properly catch SecurityTokenException from a WCF UserNamePasswordValidator


Do WCF REST services support HTTP 301 redirects?

PreRequestHandlerExecute event not fired for REST calls

c# wcf global-asax

Is there an advantage to using WCF to facilitate AJAX calls?

WCF Error Handling without fault contract

wcf exception ierrorhandler

Asynchronous WCF calls from Silverlight

REST and WCF connection

wcf rest

Type not exposed by WCF Service

wcf service intellisense

IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults not behaving as thought

c# .net wcf exception

How to customize the process employed by WCF when serializing contract method arguments?

wcf serialization

How do I create a Web Service in Visual Studio.NET using a WSDL file?

WCF callback with multiple clients

wcf callback

Certificate on a WCF service that does not use IIS