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WCF in Winforms app - is it always single-threaded?

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WCF Error - Reference.cs is blank (empty) [closed]

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Using ChannelFactory<T> To Create Channels with Different Credentials

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Ignore properties of class when using WCF ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json

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How do you configure a WCF service with two endpoints to use a different ListenUri for each endpoint?

WCF and JSON binding

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WCF Data Service or just WCF Service?

Returning an Image from OperationContract method (WCF service)

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What are the best practices for calling a WCF service from ASP .NET MVC3?

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Comparing Self Hosting: WCF vs HttpListener

Maximum request length exceeded in WCF

Converting a .NET DateTime to a Javascript Date

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Sending WCF requests through ProxyServer

Share log4net configuration across multiple projects

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Invalid security context token when using WCF with a Load Balance (AWS)

WCF Service support file jsdebug fails to load

Web Service returning object with null fields

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Why does maxConcurrentSessions default to such a low value? And what is a safe value?

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Is it possible to get a reference to a WCF ServiceHost Singleton Instance before the first WCF client request comes in?

.net wcf

How to get the RealProxy when I know only the transparent proxy