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New posts in webhttpbinding

WCF Error on execute: Manual addressing is enabled on this factory, so all messages sent must be pre-addressed

c# wcf webhttpbinding

WebHttpBinding not reaching the client

How do you configure a WCF service with two endpoints to use a different ListenUri for each endpoint?

how to make WCF webHttp behaviour accept HEAD verbs?

SOAP header Action was not understood

Webhttpbinding with HTTPS and authentication with UserNamepPasswordValidator when hosted in IIS

wcf iis https webhttpbinding

The authentication schemes configured on the host ('Anonymous') do not allow those configured on the binding 'WebHttpBinding' ('Basic')

Limiting access to a WCF REST (webHttpBinding) Service using the ASP.NET Membership Provider?

How to set the default RequestFormat for a WCF ServiceContract?

c# json wcf webhttpbinding

Unable to set maxReceivedMessageSize through web.config

In WCF, for a webHttpBinding, how do I specify credentials in the client side web.config when the server is using basic authentication?

WebHttpBinding with Http and Https

WCF REST Service not visible in WCFTestClient

WCF Web Api vs WebHttpBinding

HttpClient with BaseAddress

BasicHttpBinding vs WsHttpBinding vs WebHttpBinding