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What is currently the best HTML/CSS/Javascript configuration?

javascript jquery html css w3c

HTML Tags: Presentational vs Structural

Is it not necessary to close the tag in HTML 5 like HTML?

html xhtml w3c

Validate markup of password-protected sites with W3C

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Is W3C validation important? [duplicate]

Web accessibility - behaviour of screenreaders when configured to read 'title' attribute

Why does CORS not seem to work with POST?

xmlhttprequest w3c cors

Pipe Chars in HTML Classes

css xhtml w3c

Why do inputs and selects use different box models?

Limit the allowed file size for <input type=file> in pure HTML (no JS)

html w3c

Why HTML 5 still have support for Presentational elements?

xhtml html w3c web-standards

What does the "disown-opener" Content Security Policy directive do?

How to preserve newlines in CDATA when generating XML?

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How should user agents handle unrecognized HTML elements?

html standards w3c

XML Spec and UTF-16

Is there a semantic difference between <tag /> and <tag></tag> in XML?

xml tags w3c

Converting DOMTimeStamp to localized HH:MM:SS MM-DD-YY via Javascript

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Using XS:date i want date in format YYYYMMDD

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Dynamic enumeration restriction using XSD 1.1

W3C geolocation API not working on Safari 5

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