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What is the advantage of W3C box model compared with IE5 box model?

What's the point of Content-Script-Type and Content-Style-Type

can you convert a jaxb object to org.w3c.dom.Element?

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If the w3.org HTML5 form spec nests an <input> inside a parent <label>, why do most pages implement them as siblings?

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What's the correct behaviour of SVG "defs" tag in CSS?

Has the paged media module been abandoned?

What are practical cons to use W3C valid presentational element, which are not listed as deprecated?

Validation error "Bad value apple-touch-icon-precomposed for attribute rel on element link: Keyword apple-touch-icon-precomposed is not registered."

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Can I combine local and remote dataset within SPARQL query?

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Can I read the 'real' mobile GPS coordinates from a website?

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How does the W3C define a "Web Application"?

HTML5: Where is the spec for which end tags are forbidden?

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Is "--" a valid CSS3 identifier?

HTML5 LocalStorage size

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Contenteditable table row,column modifier [duplicate]

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Javascript API to explicitly add micro tasks or macro tasks

Valid lists inside lists - ul inside ul

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Why do mozilla and webkit prepend -moz- and -webkit- to CSS3 rules?

Which are the standard W3C meta tags?

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Defering javascript - what is the correct html syntax defer or defer="defer"

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