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New posts in vm-implementation

Why to use Parrot (or other VM) if I have an interpreter?

Does it make sense to implement a Garbage Collector in a Language with Garbage Collection

Why erlang needs a Virtual Machine?

erlang vm-implementation

python bytecode, the interpreter and virtual machine

Using a virtual machine inside of a game?

How can a JVM decide if a class “belongs” (e.g. inner or nested classes) to another class?

C memory management for Cross-platform VM

How can I expose C functions to a custom virtual machine?

How would a register + stack based virtual machine work?

Why are register-based virtual machines better than stack-based ones?

What is the most reliable / portable way to allocate memory at low addresses on 64-bit systems?

Javascript API to explicitly add micro tasks or macro tasks

Implementing registers in a C virtual machine

Debugging interpreter in VM when changing vm primitives

What C-integration problems arise with stackless VM implementations?

Using LLVM as virtual machine - multiplatform and multiarchitecture coding

Why is there a separate instance of VM(Dalvik/ART) for every App on Android?

abstract machine concept of jvm

java jvm vm-implementation

Whats the best way to learn about VM implementation besides actually hacking code?