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New posts in vim-syntax-highlighting

Real SQL syntax highlighting in PHP scripts with Vim

VIM: How to turn off search highlight after timeout (X seconds)

Vim syntax highlighting 'else:' for Python

Syntax highlighting for regular expressions in Vim

vim syntax highlighting for jinja2?

Syntax highlighting in vim

Vim Conceal highlight

Vim variable syntax highlighting

syntax highlighting in a VIM fold header

MacVim gets all settings from ~/.vimrc, but not the colors and I have to source it again

Vim syntax highlighting for ruby 1.9

Syntax coloring with Vim and Fish-Shell

How to override default syntax highlight in vim?

Vim syntax Highlighting

Change color settings in you complete me

Turn off highlighting a certain pattern in vim

VIM syntax highlighting of html nested in yaml

How to enable syntax highlighting for CUDA .cu and .cuh files in Vim?

Is Vim's Haskell syntax highlighting broken?