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New posts in variant

Excel VBA: Variants in Array Variables

arrays excel vba types variant

How can I assign a Variant to a Variant in VBA?

vba types variant

Return type std::optional<std::variant<...>>

How to check whether a variant array is unallocated?

vba variant

Why does my variant convert a std::string to a bool?

c++ c++17 variant

What are the differences between std::variant and boost::variant?

check boost::variant<T> for null

c++ boost null variant

std::variant reflection. How can I tell which type of value std::variant is assigned?

How do I represent an Optional String in Go?

string go null optional variant

std::variant<>::get() does not compile with Apple LLVM 10.0

c++ c++17 llvm-clang variant

Using std::visit on a class inheriting from std::variant - libstdc++ vs libc++

What is idiomatic modern C++ for algebraic data types?

How to return the number of dimensions of a (Variant) variable passed to it in VBA [duplicate]

excel vba dimensions variant

Variable iterating on itself - different behavior with different types

How to make a safer C++ variant visitor, similar to switch statements?

Android Studio: No build variant found error

How is duck typing different from the old 'variant' type and/or interfaces?

How can mixed data types (int, float, char, etc) be stored in an array?

c arrays variant mixed-type