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std::variant reflection. How can I tell which type of value std::variant is assigned?

I have a class called foo_t that has a member called bar which could be any one of the types std::string, int, std::vector<double>, etc. I would like to be able to ask foo_t which type bar has been assigned to. I decided to use std::variant.

I've written a solution, but I'm not sure if this is a good use of std::variant. I'm not sure if it matters, but I expect the list of types to possibly grow much bigger in the future. I made an enum class to store which type std::variant is assigned to. My first implementation also available on wandbox:

#include <iostream>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

enum foo_kind_t {

template <typename val_t>
struct get_foo_kind_t {
  constexpr static foo_kind_t value = unknown;

template <>
struct get_foo_kind_t<int> {
  constexpr static foo_kind_t value = number;

template <>
struct get_foo_kind_t<std::string> {
  constexpr static foo_kind_t value = name_tag;

template <>
struct get_foo_kind_t<std::vector<double>> {
  constexpr static foo_kind_t value = double_list;

class foo_t {


  foo_t(): kind(unknown) {}

  template <typename val_t>
  void assign_bar(const val_t &val) {
    static_assert(get_foo_kind_t<val_t>::value != unknown, "unsupported assignment");
    kind = get_foo_kind_t<val_t>::value;
    bar = val;

  foo_kind_t get_kind() {
    return kind;

  template <typename val_t>
  val_t get_bar() {
    if (get_foo_kind_t<val_t>::value != kind) {
      throw std::runtime_error("wrong kind");
    return std::get<val_t>(bar);


  foo_kind_t kind;

  > bar;


template <typename val_t>
void print_foo(foo_t &foo) {
    std::cout << "kind: " << foo.get_kind() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "value: " << foo.get_bar<val_t>() << std::endl << std::endl;

int main(int, char*[]) {

    // double_list
    foo_t b;
    std::vector<double> b_val({ 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 });
    std::cout << "kind: " << b.get_kind() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "value: vector size: " << b.get_bar<std::vector<double>>().size() << std::endl << std::endl;

    // name_tag
    foo_t d;
    std::string d_val("name");

    // number
    foo_t c;
    int c_val = 99;

    // unknown
    foo_t a;
    std::cout << a.get_kind() << std::endl;

    return 0;

Is this a good way to do it? Is there a way having better performance? Is there a way that requires less code to be written? Is there a way that doesn't require C++17?

like image 375
Hoodlum Avatar asked Feb 25 '18 21:02


People also ask

Does std :: variant allocate?

No, very explicitly. From [variant. variant]: Any instance of variant at any given time either holds a value of one of its alternative types, or it holds no value.

Does STD variant require RTTI?

Since this function is specific to a given type, you don't need RTTI to perform the operations required by std::any .

How does STD variant work?

std::variant (C++17)An instance of std::variant has a value from one of its types. The value must not be a reference, C-array or void. A std::variant can have one type more than once. A default-initialized std::variant will be initialized with its first type.

What is STD Monostate?

std::monostate is a value-semantic type, like bool — it just has one fewer value in its domain. It can be stored in variants, or containers, or set s (it's ordered!), or unordered_set s (it's hashable!), or anywhere else you might use a value-semantic type like bool . It's totally fine to make an optional<monostate> .

2 Answers

Using std::variant::index to check stored type at runtime.

like image 61
Hoodlum Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 15:11


If you only need to ask "Is this variant of type X" for a single type X, then I recommend that you prefer std::holds_alternative over std::variant::index because the line of code will not have to be updated if the index of the type in the variant changes in the future.


if (std::holds_alternative<X>(my_variant)) {
    std::cout << "Variant is of type X" << std::endl;
like image 35
Gabriel Devillers Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 17:11

Gabriel Devillers