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New posts in variable-assignment

Why can not I add two bytes and get an int and I can add two final bytes get a byte?

Python 3 How do I 'declare' an empty `bytes` variable

When initializing in C# constructors what's better: initializer lists or assignment?

Return value of assignment operator in concurrent code

var vs := in Go

Multiple assignment of non-tuples in scala

Double Pipe Symbols in Ruby Variable Assignment? [duplicate]

How to assign a variable in an IF condition, and then return it?

Is variable assignment and reading atomic operation?

Javascript interop assignment in Clojurescript

Compressing `x if x else y` statement in Python

Splitting Declaration and Assignment = Good Practice? [closed]

Changing JavaScript function's parameter value using arguments array not working

Expression must be a modifiable L-value

Assign value not reference in javascript [duplicate]

c++ does implicit copy constructor copy array member variable? [duplicate]

Python initialize multiple variables to the same initial value

Why is `a = a` `nil` in Ruby?

What does let 5 = 10 do? Is it not an assignment operation?

Fixing the 'Use of unassigned local variable' with a null assignment. Why?