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Is there a way to run a Xamarin UWP project without deploying every time

Capturing image from WebCam in .Net Core 2.0

c# uwp .net-core webcam

Is it possible to use UWP APIs in a WPF app?

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Display local html file content in UWP WebView

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UWP Page Transition Animations

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How to get local host name in C# on a Windows 10 universal app

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How to get byte array from SoftwareBitmap

c# win-universal-app uwp

Dispose or kill DispatcherTimer object and Accessing DispatcherTimer object

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Windows 10 - how to launch rate and review popup/view?

windows-10 uwp

UWP TextBox not respecting TwoWay binding when typing

c# textbox uwp

What is the themeResource for window's title text color?

c# uwp

How to uninstall an UWP app programmatically

UWP ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback

How do I use a Unity IoC container with Template10?

How to make SQLite foreign keys with SQLite.Net-PCL

Class derived from shape gives cast error

c# uwp

Get Device Info using C# in Windows Universal App (Windows 10)

Clipboard content of closed Windows Universal App

UWP Printing from Windows app directly without bringing Print Dialog

c# printing uwp